Romane & Erzählungen


Stadtbibliothek Puchheim
UG Fremdsprachige Literatur Romane
Autor:Kate, Lauren
Titel:The orphan's song
Verfasserangabe:Lauren Kate
Erschienen:London : Penguin, 2019. - 353 Seiten
Preis:17,00 Euro
Standort:Fremdsprachige Literatur
Schlagwort(e):Liebe ; Musik ; Religion ; Waisenkinder
Annotation:When Violetta and Mino meet, one finds true love and the other denies it. Both orphans at the Hospital of the Incurables in Venice, an orphanage and music conservatory, they meet and make music together clandestinely until Violetta is selected for the Incurables' renowned chorus. In order to join she signs an oath never to sing beyond the church doors, effectively sequestering herself for life. Mino flees, heartbroken. Too late, Violetta realizes what she has lost. In rebellion she begins a dangerous and forbidden nightlife, unknowingly drawing closer to Mino as he searches Venice for his long-lost mother. Mino and Violetta must each journey through passion, heartache, and betrayal before a dangerous secret reunites them, leading to a shocking and final confrontation.


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