Romane & Erzählungen


Stadtbibliothek Puchheim
UG Fremdsprachige Literatur Romane
Autor:Crossan, Sarah
Titel:Here is the beehive
Verfasserangabe:Sarah Crossan
Erschienen:1. Auflage - London : Bloomsbury Circus, 2020. - 266 Seiten
Preis:16,45 Euro
Standort:Fremdsprachige Literatur
Schlagwort(e):Liebe ; Schicksal
Annotation:For three years, Ana has been consumed by an affair with Connor, a client at her law firm. Their love has been consigned to hotel rooms and dark corners of pubs, keeping their relationship hidden from the world. So the morning that Ana's company receives a call to say that Connor is dead, her secret grief has nowhere to go. Desperate for an outlet, Ana seeks out the shadowy figure who has always stood just beyond her reach - Connor's wife Rebecca.


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